We are happy to help you and your students get the most out of your library research assignment!
If you are not sure how to begin designing your library research assignment, or if you have specific goals in mind but want to ensure you are achieving them in the most efficient way possible, consider contacting a librarian to help you design your assignment.
If you are interested in designing an assignment with a librarian, please contact: Jessica Ramey, rameyjm@potsdam.edu
This guide is designed to help you develop your library-related assignments.
Whether you are creating an introductory assignment designed to get students in the door, or a complex research assignment that requires many different resources, this guide can help you articulate and achieve your assignment goals. This guide provides tips, best-practices, sample assignments, and pertinent literature.
Consider Learning Objectives:
Consider Students' Skill Levels:
Consider Assignment Time Frame:
Be Clear About Expectations:
Practice what you Preach:
Ask for Student Feedback:
Evaluate Assignment Results:
Incorporate Changes:
Here are a few important rules to keep in mind when designing effective library assignments:
If you are hoping to create a library research assignment that goes beyond teaching library-specific skills (e.i. finding a book on the shelf, locating the Research Help Desk, or understanding the Library of Congress classification system), you may want to consider incorporating the Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.
In 2015, ACRL introduced the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The Framework provides educators with a unique set of goals designed to guide information literacy instruction and help identify, articulate, and impart the fundamental necessity of information literacy in today's rapidly changing world.
The Framework places special emphasis on the importance of collaboration and threshold concepts. Additionally, the Framework is contextually broad which makes it well-suited to all disciplines.
You can view the Framework here: http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework
If you are interested in developing an assignment that utilizes the Framework, but aren't sure where to begin, contact Information Literacy Librarian: Jessica Ramey (rameyjm@potsdam.edu)
Crumb Library: 315-267-2485
Crane Library: 315-267-2451
Text Us!: 315-277-3730