The State University of New York’s Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy (6901) was approved by the SUNY Board of Trustees on June 20, 2019. The policy promotes an accessible EIT environment throughout the University. To that end, the University seeks to proactively ensure equal and integrated access for persons with disabilities. To sustain an ongoing accessibility program, System Administration and all campuses shall develop Accessibility Plans, utilizing the following Standards, outlined in the Final Report:
The Policy and associated Accessibility Plan requirements are structured to give campuses the flexibility to develop and support an accessibility strategy that reflects local campus needs and resources. Each plan should serve as an accessibility action strategy that will be regularly evaluated, modified, and strengthened over time—in response to changing requirements, feedback and review of outcomes and effectiveness.
Minimum core elements of each Accessibility Plan should be as follows:
The EIT Accessibility Officers are responsible for setting the direction for ongoing digital accessibility efforts, including the development and oversight of the Accessibility Plan. Institutions are encouraged to develop a committee or working group to support the EIT Accessibility Officer in establishing the Plan. This group may uncover where the greatest needs are, identify risks, suggest administrative oversight, locate resources/source(s) for resources, and develop clearly defined action steps with assigned ownership for completion.
This document serves as a framework for the formation of an individual Accessibility Plan. Campuses may elect to use this template to document and monitor accessibility progress. The template was modeled after the College of Environmental Science and Forestry’s Strategic Accessible ESF – Strategic Actions 2019 – 2020, created by their Accessibility Content Experts Network.
For each element of the Plan, create goals, metrics, measures and milestones. The following definitions may be helpful in guiding completion of the template.
Suggested administrative oversight for each action
Resources and/or source of resources for each action
Outcomes implied for each action successfully completed
Status Description
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