You will likely end up searching in a variety of places. There is no guarantee that they will all refer to your topic interests with the same labels. You may need to search with:
It is to your benefit to anticipate this and have ready at hand as many ways to describe your interests as possible. In the field of chemistry, basic considerations include:
1) Textual representation of the "name" of the chemicals you are dealing with.
2) Chemical formula
3) Chemical structures: see lab handout for graphic
4) Standard Numbers:
5) Other appropriate related terms.
For this lab, these significant identifying information labels for the product(s) and reactant(s) are given in the lab handout. Copy and paste from the lab handout rather than guessing or typing. For other chemicals, use the resources listed in the box below.
Use Freely Available Chemistry Substance Databases (also found through the library page for Additional Sources for Chemistry) such as:
Use Subscription Databases:
Crumb Library: 315-267-2485
Crane Library: 315-267-2451
Text Us!: 315-277-3730