You are required to do two things with your search results from today's session:
To that end, it is very helpful to keep a search log. Here is a generic search log for this class. You will need to modify it depending upon your assigned search tool (e.g. books will keep track of different things than electronic search tools)
The search tools required for this lab include many that are found on the library databases page, as well as tools specific to this lab. The tab structure on the chemistry page should help direct you to the type of tool you need. The complete list for this lab, also located on page two of the lab, is:
Note: We no longer have access to STN Easy or Reaxys.
1. ScienceDirect (SciVerse) (select "chemistry" as the subject on the databases page):
2. ACS Publications (select "chemistry" as the subject on the databases page):
4. Springerlink (select "chemistry" as the subject on the databases page):
5. Organic Syntheses (
6. Books: As supplied by the library staff and the instructor.
7. Google Scholar (
8. Google Web search (
9. ChemSpider (
10. J-STAGE: Collection of Japanese journals, many of which are open access and published in English.
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