For the purposes of this training exercise, you will first need to review your searching skills for physical items because we need barcodes of items to check out.
Getting Barcodes:
To check out an item to a patron:
Having just checked out some items above, we will now return them:
To check items back in:
Most users will be automatically loaded through a process of pulling record information from Banner or other campus source. These are classfied as "internal" users and their data will be overwritten/updated with each load. If you change information manually for an internal user, whatever is in the next load may overwrite your manual change.
But should you need to add a new patron who is not automatically loaded, classified as an "external" user (such as a community patron) here is the process:
Adding a User:
Crumb Library: 315-267-2485
Crane Library: 315-267-2451
Text Us!: 315-277-3730