Library Resources are carefully selected and purchased with student use in mind. We pay a great deal of attention to which of our resources actually get used so that we can allocate our resources in the most effective way. How many users "click-through" is a statistic that weighs heavily in our decisions. Therefore, it is important both for copyright reasons and for library allocation resources that you LINK to our electronic offerings rather than providing a copy directly to the student (which may also be illegal).
Because library resources are restricted to the Potsdam community, when users are off-campus, we authenticate their connection to SUNY Potsdam through a proxy service which requires them to log-in. Linking to a library resource requires the presence of the proxy prefix in front of the resource URL so that students will be passed through as a valid user.
Below are procedures for creating usable links to library resources. Note: it is important that YOU TEST LINKS FROM OFF-CAMPUS before distributing them to students. We are happy to help you trouble shoot any difficulties! Contact for assistance.
There are several options for obtaining good links to library resources. First, find the full-text of the resource you want to link to. If you have a resource in mind, but cannot find the full-text, please contact the library and we can help you determine if it is lurking somewhere in our database. To make a permalink to a full-text library resource, you will be in one of these four situations:
Ebsco is our biggest database provider:
Crumb Library: 315-267-2485
Crane Library: 315-267-2451
Text Us!: 315-277-3730