Elsevier ScienceDirect
The new contract beginning January 1, 2020, is for three years (with an opt out clause after one year).
The new contract consists of a core list of 248 journals with access to journal articles 2010 to present and includes post termination archival rights.
Search results in QuickSearch will provide links to ScienceDirect using 4 different collection names. Here is an example from Animal Behavior:
Science Direct (4 holding collection names and what they mean):
1. ScienceDirect Core Titles (SUNY NZ) (248 titles)
Current contract. Includes content 2016-present (including perpetual access rights)
2. Sciencedirect PTA (SLSS) (1144 titles)
Past contract that included perpetual access for content published ~2010-2019. PTA=Post Termination Access.
3. Elsevier ScienceDirect Open Access Journals (887 titles)
Freely available
4. Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals Complete (2421 titles)
This collection represents holdings from our previous license agreements. The holdings are being automatically uploaded by Elsevier based on what they think we should have. It should be accurate, but it is not. Every campus has unique entitlements based on the early license agreements which were partly determined by print holdings. We do not have a comprehensive list of title holdings. We will be reviewing these titles over the summer and adjusting our QuickSearch holdings, so some access may be discontinued as we figure out our entitlements.
When full text is not available in ScienceDirect, articles can be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
QuickSearch will display the "Request from Interlibrary Loan" link:
ScienceDirect Interface: When full text of articles are not available in ScienceDirect, click on the Get Access button:
You will be prompted with the FindIt link:
You will be directed to the QuickSearch login screen and presented with the "Request from Interlibrary Loan" link.
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