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College Libraries Strategic Planning 2014-2016: Goal 1: Mission

Goal 1: Focus on our Mission, Vision, and Values

  1. Continue to support, facilitate, and manage the faculty and staff of the College Libraries as they provide excellent academic services and supports to the College community.
  2. Based on the work of the College Libraries’ teams and areas of coordination, prioritize key services and fund accordingly in budgets beginning in 2014-2015.
  3. Effectively communicate the role, purpose, and impact of the College Libraries to the campus administration as part of the ongoing leadership and budgeting transitions of the College.
    1. Clarify and affirm our instructional support role in this community.
    2. Share and discuss results of 2013 Ithaka survey with various community groups.
    3. Intentionally collaborate with other campus groups that have influence over faculty opinion.
    4. Clarify and affirm the current and future relationship between the College Libraries and the Sheard Literacy Center.
  4. Communicate the mission and goals of the libraries to the campus community.
    1. Communicate the value of the Libraries’ assistance to student success.
    2. Increase campus awareness of the libraries’ role in information literacy and teaching support.
    3. Plan and host faculty outreach events to serve Libraries’ communications goals.
    4. Build and strengthen relationships with the Center for Student Research.
  5. Begin creating a library of strategic influence documents that will direct the incoming administration regarding library goals and needs.
    1. Update the Minerva Center plan to reflect the work of the last 5 years and to accommodate the potential variations on proposed library construction projects in 2014-2016.
    2. Gather data to support and then request a systematic, predictable budget increase for the College Libraries.
    3. Gather data to support and then propose a hiring plan for coming years.
  6. Consider and implement appropriate changes to ILL policies to create a philosophy of ILL that can intentionally direct Collection Building decision-making and responsiveness.
    1. Review interlibrary loan policies for accuracy and to ensure that policy and current practice are aligned, separating policy and procedure into separate documents.
    2. Discuss our interlibrary loan philosophy, including consideration of the boundary between delivery of information and teaching information retrieval skills.
  7. Prioritize and reorganize ongoing and emerging Collection Development projects around the need to assess campus information needs, build an appropriate core collection, and increase efficiencies.
    1. Discuss and affirm our collection development policies in light of:
      1. our need to define and build a core collection for this institution,
      2. our participation in larger initiatives,
      3. changing patterns of electronic v print acquisitions,
      4. departmental needs and expectations,
      5. other emerging issues and demands, including the impact of the SUNY One Bib project.
    2. Design collection development funding models to meet necessary campus information needs and communicate funding needs to the Administration.
  8. Explore the role of the Crane Library in our emerging Performing Arts landscape, including:
    1. the interdisciplinarity of Crane School-Performing Arts collaborations as the new Performing Arts Center opens,
    2. the interweaving of the Crane School and Liberal Arts courses of study,
    3. the potential need for media and technology literacy in the arts,
    4. the location and management of physical collections between two facilities once Crane begins serving a “mixed program” population,
    5. the need for expanded services, resources, or infrastructure in Crane Library as more students inhabit the complex,
    6. the potential shift in expectations as new faculty and programs begin to see the Crane Library as “theirs.”
  9. Develop a Crane Library strategic plan to supplement and assist in the 2016 College Libraries Program Review.
  10. Review and revise as appropriate the mission and goals of the ITC, and begin integrating ITC functions and philosophies with the College Libraries.
  11. Assess the services of the ITC in light of evolving campus initiatives for faculty development and build an appropriate plan to meet and support faculty needs.

    Resource Dependent Action Items:
  12. Investigate the value of and advocate appropriately for emerging roles for the College Libraries.
    1. Design and build a media support center for students.
    2. Prioritize media creation assistance for faculty teaching online and traditionally delivered classes.
    3. Design and build a Makerspace to engage student creativity, entrepreneurship, and hands-on application of theoretical knowledge.


Crumb Library: 315-267-2485
Crane Library: 315-267-2451

Text Us!: 315-277-3730

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SUNY Potsdam College Libraries
44 Pierrepont Ave
Potsdam, NY 13676