Begin creating a library of strategic influence documents that will direct the incoming administration regarding library goals and needs.
Gather data to support and then request a systematic, predictable budget increase for the College Libraries.
Begin active advocacy for Open Access initiatives at SUNY Potsdam, focused on existing and emerging national, SUNY-wide, and SUNY Potsdam College Libraries initiatives.
Consider and implement appropriate changes to ILL policies to create a philosophy of ILL that can intentionally direct Collection Building decision-making and responsiveness.
Discuss our interlibrary loan philosophy, including consideration of the boundary between delivery of information and teaching information retrieval skills.
Review all copyright codes and acts relevant to ILL to ensure that staff understand them, and that our ILL policies reflect the College’s goals regarding teaching, learning, and fair use of information in that environment.
Prioritize and reorganize ongoing and emerging Collection Development projects around the need to assess campus information needs, build an appropriate core collection, and increase efficiencies.
Discuss and affirm our collection development policies in light of:
our need to define and build a core collection for this institution,
our participation in larger initiatives,
changing patterns of electronic v print acquisitions,
departmental needs and expectations,
other emerging issues and demands, including the impact of the SUNY One Bib project.
Design collection development funding models to meet necessary campus information needs and communicate funding needs to the Administration.
Explore purchase on demand/patron-driven acquisitions models with a goal of implementing a service for the College Libraries. Develop and implement a strategy for creating sustainable innovation and excellence in our Information Literacy teaching program, considering and including:
The potential for adding additional librarians to the teaching team through use of modules, tutorials, and templates, or other innovative paths to efficiency,
The need to support information literacy skills for online and distance students and courses.
Continue assessing the purpose and success of our web presence to our many constituencies, and evolving the College Libraries web services in response to that assessment.
Plan and implement further ongoing usability testing of current web services, inclusive of the website, our Springshare products, and other web portals sponsored by the College Libraries. Plan for the evaluation of the impact of AskMax implementation on collection usage.
Standardize, review, and correct our ebook cataloging to conform to evolving expectations.
Consider the role of AskMax in how ebooks are accessed, and what implications are relevant for cataloging processes.
Work with Collection Building Team to understand and accommodate evolving ebook purchase plans.
Explore the role of the Crane Library in our emerging Performing Arts landscape, including:
the potential need for media and technology literacy in the arts,
the location and management of physical collections between two facilities once Crane begins serving a “mixed program” population,
the need for expanded services, resources, or infrastructure in Crane Library as more students inhabit the complex,
Maintain open hours in the College Archives, support to previously-taught courses whose directing faculty understand their needs for archival support, and basic levels of research assistance to Archives users in the absence of a permanent College Archivist.
Provide basic assistance with known and identified materials, including digitization when necessary for appropriate preservation and use of the material, to the College as the Comprehensive Campaign and Bicentennial come to fruition.
Plan for the future of music cataloging in the College Libraries, considering likely retirements and the SUNY One Bib database migration.
Plan for future project-scale digitization of legacy format sound recordings to enhance use and access. Implement access solutions that expose our primary source material for student use.
Plan for future project-scale digitization of local primary source materials and unique collections, including consideration of infrastructure, procedures, and skills training needed before implementation could be considered and begin.
Conduct a thorough inventory of our physical collections.
Reconsider and redesign our Government Documents cataloging and access strategies.
Educate all staff on the requirements of the US Depository Program, and evaluate our options for meeting those requirements.
Consider the role of AskMax in how government materials are accessed, and what implications are relevant for cataloging processes.
Prepare for the SUNY One Bib database project, realizing that it will be the equivalent of an ILS migration, not an ALEPH upgrade, considering:
Staff training,
Time required to migrate,
Data export, review, and checking,
Testing and troubleshooting,
Workflow, procedure, and policy revisions required, and SUNY Potsdam’s role in facilitating development of SUNY-wide processes.
Plan and prioritize tasks that will prepare us for the SUNY One Bib database project.
Engage in available SUNY-wide or regional conversations and training to facilitate our participation.
Leverage our expertise to help ensure that SUNY-wide decisions, policies, and procedures meet our standards of excellence.
Begin focusing project work on “catalog cleaning” actions that will support a smooth migration to the single bib system.
Provide support and assistance to CTS-driven campus technology infrastructure projects that will improve and stabilize College Libraries’ technology services, including but not limited to enhanced wifi deployment and cloud-based student printing.
Continue to review and consider the SUNYConnect infrastructure offerings, including but not limited to EBSCO’s EDS, AtoZ/LinkSource, etc., for utility and value to the College Libraries, and implement as appropriate.
Resource Dependent Action Items:
Implement project-scale digitization of local primary source materials and unique collections.
Consider and propose models to provide document delivery services to faculty to facilitate research and scholarship.
Consider participation in the Empire Shared Collections project, which creates a shared “last copy” repository that ensures members perpetual access to low-use legacy materials, and allows for deacessioning of local copies of those materials.
Explore the possibility of implementing on-demand research services for faculty.
Work with departments to ensure integration of appropriate Information Literacy instruction in department-level learning outcomes.
Build a scholarship assistance lab for faculty engaged in research and creative endeavors.
Explore library research and information literacy engagement in emerging SUNY Potsdam initiatives such as STEAM and other high-impact educational experiences.
Implement project scale digitization of legacy format sound recordings.
Implement long-term goals of the Crane Performance Database, including standardized online programs and streaming audio files linked to each performance record.
Support new and updated courses for faculty wishing to take advantage of the Archives and Special Collections to meet their teaching and learning objectives, and reach out to courses that are logically linked to the archival program in order to offer project support and tailored classroom instruction.
Support the oral history projects begun by Drs. Heisey and Hersker, and Public Affairs, creating a deep and rich online-accessible primary source collection of SUNY Potsdam’s history.
Support the Bicentennial and attendant proposed projects fully and with appropriate staffing and resources, serving all interested parties as the Bicentennial progresses.
Investigate the feasibility and potential campus desire for additional measures that would help facilitate student use of archives, including but not limited to online tutorials and an archives-focused undergraduate course.
Investigate, pursue, and implement donor and grant opportunities to fund a project archivist position that will encompass the processing and digitization of the major composers of the Crane School of Music (beginning with Arthur Frackenpohl), the David O’Brien Martin papers, and the Bertrand Snell papers.
As a part of the general reclassification of archival materials, create collection level finding aids using “More Product, Less Processing” (MPLP) archival standards, and create record group/collection level MARC records to be uploaded to WorldCat and the local catalog to enhance access to the collections.
Develop a plan for the efficient processing of previously acquired non-accessioned materials, and fully appraise and accession the backlog in storage.
Begin creating and converting finding aids in compliance with Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) and Electronic Archival Description (EAD) standards.
Upon implementation of EAD finding aids, create links that will allow researchers to view born-electronic records and digital representations directly from the finding aid.
Develop and implement a workflow for the acquisition, preservation, and the accessibility of born-electronic records.