Goal 5: We will build a presence as a campus unit that is admired and respected for its relevance and value to teaching and learning, a respect that is fostered by staff and users through transparent communication and genuine connections.
Objective 5.1: We will develop a communication plan for the College Libraries
Long-term Projects:
Develop a strong and consistent message for the Libraries.Begun summer 2012, ongoing.
Cultivate a reliable, authoritative, and personable voice for the Libraries.Begun Fall 2010, ongoing.
Build on the successful existing outreach and programming done in the past to develop a calendar of meaningful opportunities to connect with Libraries users.Begun Fall 2010, strengthened by creation of Bregman internships in 2011. Plan built summer 2011, with full implementation expected Spring 2012 with hiring of new User Services Librarian. Work ongoing, impacted by Shared Services and evolving campus goals.
Objective 5.2: We will develop a marketing plan for the College Libraries
Long-term Projects:
Develop, implement, and assess a strategy for marketing our key services to potential student users. Expected Fall 2013 pending approval of new library mission statement.
Develop, implement, and assess a strategy for marketing our key services and partnerships to campus colleagues.Begun with Faculty newsletter in 2011. Ongoing.
Objective 5.3: We will effectively use our facilities to promote our message and communicate with users.
Near-term Projects:
Develop and implement signage policies for both Crumb and Crane Libraries consistent with the goals and voice of the Libraries’ communication plan.Completed AY 2010-2011
Implement new communication tools for physical users of the libraries in support of their need to communicate with us and with each other.Done 2012
Long-term Projects:
Implement new communication tools for online users of the libraries in support of their need to communicate with us.Done 2012 with implmentation of website and LibAnswers