Goal 6: We will be leaders in providing innovative, thoughtful, and interesting services, spaces, and collaborations to the campus community.
Objective 6.1: We will develop a fair and robust system for encouraging and ensuring adequate professional development for all staff
Near-term Projects:
Identify special training needs for individual staff members based on key services review and reorganization of workflows in the Libraries. Ongoing. Communicated and begun in 2011.
Plan for funding of professional development opportunities appropriate to each staff member’s needs. Implemented AY 2010-2011
Long-term Projects:
Develop in-house information sharing processes that are engaging and promote creativity and debate.New approaches and tools tried in Summer and Fall 2011. Use of Basecamp begun in 2012. Infrastructure Survey administered Summer 2013 to assess success.
Engage in discussion that will lead to a communal understanding of the role of scholarship, publication, and creative work in the professional workplace of the Libraries. Discussions begun Summer 2013 with Library Faculty Retreat.
Objective 6.2: We will develop a strong and thoughtful system of evaluation and reward to encourage creativity, innovation, and careful risk among all staff.
Long-term Projects:
Reshape our institutional understanding of the purpose and value of CSEA employee performance programs and evaluations.Begun AY 2010-2011.
Reshape our institutional understanding of the purpose and value of UUP Professional Staff performance plans and evaluations.Begun AY 2010-2011. Discussion reinvigorated in Summer 2013 at Library Faculty Retreat.
Reshape our institutional understanding of the purpose and value of Librarian participation in Academic Faculty Information Form reporting, including consideration of the value of post-tenure peer review for librarians.Middle States recommendations may inform actions. Discussion of job responsibilities begun in Summer 2013 at Library Faculty Retreat.