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College Libraries Strategic Planning: Home

College Libraries Strategic Planning

This page contains the College Libraries' previous strategic plan. For the 2014-2016 plan, please visit

Strategic Plan 2010

In 2009-2010, the staff of the College Libraries worked with newly-appointed Director of Libraries Jenica Rogers to develop a strategic plan for the next several years.  The Libraries have a strong sense of mission, and vision for their future as evidenced by the guiding principles espoused in the Mission, Vision, and Values statements on the Libraries' website.  Keeping that framework in mind, the Strategic Plan strives to answer the question,

"Given the changing realities of higher education and the values of our institution, what do the College Libraries need to be in five years?"

We developed this plan by relying on the Self-Study done under the direction of Rebecca Thompson, Director of Libraries Emerita in 2008, and the External Review of the College Libraries conducted in 2009, and with guidance from the College's Bicentennial Plan from 2008, the College's Strategic Goals for 2009-2011, and the Academic Affairs Goals for 2009-2010.  In addition, meetings between the Director of Libraries and each member of the Libraries' staff informed the document on a more operational level, and staff were asked for internal feedback before a second draft went to other stakeholders for additional feedback prior to finalizing the report.

This report is designed to be a living document, one that is not just written and forgotten, but consulted, amended, and enacted as we strive to be the best possible libraries for our campus community.  To that end, the operational goals of each section of the report are represented by tabs at the top of this page, and each tab will be used to track our progress as we work toward the goals outlined in each section. (Notes are in red; items struck are complete; hot pink items are to be moved to the new Strategic Plan as ongoing and aspirational.) The Full report is available below, as are the supporting documents used in drafting the report, though some may be available only to on-campus users. 

Planning Timeline


Summer: Self Study meetings and interviews conducted

Fall: Self Study Report written


Winter/Spring: External Review visit, meetings, and report submitted

May: R. Thompson retires, J. Rogers begins

Summer: Meetings between J. Rogers and Libraries' staff.

Winter: Drafting of Strategic Plan begins.


February: Strategic Plan Draft 1 shared with Libraries' staff for feedback.

March: Strategic Plan Draft 2 shared with Academic Affairs stakeholders for feedback.

Summer: Strategic Plan finalized.

Campus Planning Documents

Works Cited

SUNY Potsdam users should be able to access all of the below links while on campus; other users may find that some documents are for campus use only.  Apologies!

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Crane Library: 315-267-2451

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SUNY Potsdam College Libraries
44 Pierrepont Ave
Potsdam, NY 13676